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Islamic Culture and Modern World
Introduction to Islam: by Dr.Hamidullah اردو کتب
Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam
“..he who perished might perish by a clear proof and he who survived might survive by a clear proof “(Quran; 8:42)
- To have a succession of identical thoughts and feelings is to have no thoughts and feelings at all. Such is the lot of most Muslim countries today. They are mechanically repeating old values...
- Space, time, and matter are interpretations which thought puts on the free creative energy of God.
- If the aim of religion is the spiritualisation of the heart, then it must penetrate the soul of man, and it can best penetrate the inner man . . . We find that when Muhammad Ibn Tumart—the Mahdi of Muslim Spain—who was Berber by nationality, came to power and established the pontifical rule of the Muwahhidun, he ordered for the sake of the illiterate Berbers that the Quran should be translated and read in the Berber language and that the call to prayer should be given in Berber.
- Such is the attitude of the modern Turk, inspired as he is by the realities of experience, and not by the scholastic reasoning of jurists who lived and thought under different conditions of life. To my mind these arguments, if rightly appreciated, indicate the birth of an International ideal, which forming the very essence of Islam, has been hitherto overshadowed or rather displaced by Arabian Imperialism of the earlier centuries in Islam.
- The republican form of government is not only thoroughly consistent with the spirit of Islam, but has also become a necessity in view of the new forces that were set free in the world of Islam.
- The more genuine schools of Sufism have, no doubt, done good work in shaping and directing the evolution of religious experience in Islam; but their latter-day representatives, owing to their ignorance of the modern mind, have become absolutely incapable of receiving any fresh inspiration from modern thought and experience. They are perpetuating methods which were created for generations possessing a cultural outlook differing, in important respects, from our own
- Hard his lot and frail his being, like a rose leaf, yet no form of reality is so powerful, so inspiring, and so beautiful as the spirit of man.
For batter understanding, it is strongly recommended to first read Abridged Lectures <<here>>
رسالة التجديد
علامہ اقبال نے اسلامی فکر کے جمود میں بیداری پیدا کی اور ڈاکٹر برق کے مجربات و محسوسات مزید غور و تفکرانسپائر کرتے ہیں- بیس سال قرآن کے مطالعہ و تحقیق، علماء اور اہل علم لوگوں سے کئی کئی دن پر محیط طویل تبادلہ خیالات و ای ایکسچینجز کے بعد اہم موضوعات پر حاصل نتائج کا خلاصہ پیش خدمت ہے- مکمل تحقیق اردو اور انگریزی ویب سائٹس اور eBooks میں موجود ہے- مواد (contents) پر توجہ دیں اور زبان کی غلطیوں کو نظر انداز کریں۔ اپنے موجودہ نظریات کو دوران مطالعہ ایک طرف رکھنا ہو گا، فٹ نوٹس پرریفرنس لنکس کو پڑھیں توسوالات کے جوابات مل جائیں گےپھررابطہ بھی کیا جا سکتا ہے- کوشش کی ہے کہ الله تعالی کا پیغام درست ترین طور پرسمجھ کر پیش کیا جائے- مگربشری محدودات سے کسی نادانستہ غلطی پراللہ تعالی سےمعافی اوربخشش کا طلبگار-
[بریگیڈیئر آفتاب احمد خان (ر)] ١٢ ربیع الاول ١٤٤٨ ھ / September 29 2023]
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قرآن کو چھوڑنے والے بدترین علماء
- Islam & Philosophy
- The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, Read online at Iqbal Academy Pakistan
- The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, Read online at YesPakistan
- Excerpts: http://letsstartthinking.org/Iqbal/reconstruction-of-religious-thought.php
- Deconstructing Iqbal's Reconstruction
- تجدید فکریات اسلام Read online Urdu translation of The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam at Iqbal cyber library
- Summary: http://www.renaissance.com.pk/OctBore2y5.htm
- Summary-http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.renaissance.com.pk/OctBore2y5.htm
- Hundreds of Articles: http://www.allamaiqbal.com/publications/journals/review/titlelist.html
- http://www.mediafire.com/download/cl4x9pgf5y5mf6j/Iqbal+aur+Mulla.pdf
- http://khalifaabdulhakim.com/books.html اقبال پر اردو کتب
- علامہ اقبال: تجدیدِ فکر اسلامی کے نقیب
- http://kitaben.urdulibrary.org/Pages/IqbalTafheem.html فکرِ اقبال کی تفہیم اور مغالطے:
- دو اسلام - ڈاکٹر غلام جیلانی برق : http://salaamforum.blogspot.com/2016/05/blog-post_27.html
Iqbal the ideologue: http://goo.gl/Um5Ub
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The difference between human and animals is the 'intellect', the ability to learn and reason; the capacity for knowledge and understanding.
The debate on heart or brain to be the centre of intellect is very old. The cardiocentric model of Aristotle [384–322 B.C.E] went against the ...
Throughout the Quran, the narratives engage with its audience appealing to make use of their intellect and reason (Arabic: Aql) "Indeed, the ...
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