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Islam and Modernism

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The desire for religious reconstruction and moral regeneration in the light of fundamental principles of Islam has, throughout their historical destiny, been deeply rooted among the Muslims -- radicals as well as traditionalists. Both the sections seem conscious of the fact that the only way for the Muslims of today, for an active and honorable participation in world affairs, is the reformation of positive lines of conduct suitable to contemporary needs in the light of social and moral guidance offered by Islam.

Islam and Modernism 

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Muslim ideologues of the nineteenth century
  3. Muslim ideologues of the twentieth century-I
  4. Muslim ideologues of the twentieth century-II
  5. Muslim ideologues of the twentieth century-III
  6. Conclusion
  7. Modernization and Islam by Dr. Ali Shariati
  8. Islam and politics in Islam
  9. References
Source: http://www.ghazali.net/book4/Table_of_Contents/table_of_contents.html

    Islamic Modernism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Islamic Modernism, also known as Modernist Salafism, is a movement that has been described as "the first Muslim ideological response" attempting to reconcile .

      Islam And Modernism By: Mufti Taqi Usmani. ... Internet Archive BookReader - Islam And Modernism By: Mufti Taqi Usmani. The BookReader requires ...  
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