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Don't blame Muslims & Islam for Wars and Terrorism

US and West is targeting Muslims on the pretext of the war against terrorism. He is under influence of a common myth invented after 911, by the Christian fundamentalists, Neocons and Islamophobes. According to this myth Islam is to be blamed for militancy and terrorism for fuelling wars. This is corollary to the earlier myth persistently propagated mostly by atheists that: “The religion is to be totally blamed as the main cause of violence and wars throughout the history of mankind” with the change that, the word ‘religion’ has been replaced with ‘Islam’. This trend is highly dangerous, counterproductive, un-American and inhuman, many civilised people in West and elsewhere have also been influenced by this negative propaganda. The rhetoric and actions of President Trump and his administration are fueling the anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant bigotry that exists among Trump supporters. The controversial executive order (suspended by courts), which some are now referring to as a “Muslim ban,” stops immigration to the U.S. for all nationals of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Yemen for 90 to 120 days, with the acceptance of Syrian refugees indefinitely suspended. It also contains a provision giving preferential treatment to minority religions, that is non-Muslims, in these countries. Trump himself announced that priority would be given to Christian refugees. And this move, reinforces the administration’s apparent focus on Islam as a means to defeat terrorists. Trump is using religion as a tool to get political support from the vote bank he created through his hate campaign. BJP lead Indian government is also openly adhering to anti Muslim policies. Such an open anti Muslim attitudes by so called biggest democracies is against the basic norms of democracy. Keep reading here >>>>> http://freebookpark.blogspot.com/2014/02/religion-cause-wars.html

Top 10 Books About Muslims And Islam

Media stereotypes and misinformation about Muslims are nothing new. In a post-election world, Muslims are finding more allies who often want to help but don’t know much about us. More and more of our fellow Americans have questions and need answers.
In on online forum recently, someone asked me about books I would recommend to those wishing to learn about Muslims. I’m happy that people want to learn — even though I think meeting Muslims is far more valuable than reading about them — but searching the sea of available choices can be difficult and dangerous. For instance, search for “Muslim” or “Islam” on Amazon, and the array of books that pop up is worrying. Not because there are so many, but because many of them are horrifyingly inaccurate and often downright false.
Many books that promise “the truth” about Muslims are actually full of hatred and bigotry. You can learn about Sharia from authors who have no clue what it means, or about the tenets of Islam from authors whose bias can be seen from a mile away. You might think a website called “the religion of peace” would be somewhat positive, but it turns out to spew vile hatred against a billion people who actually practice Islam as a religion of peace and love.
But knowledge is power, so here’s my list of books you can and should read if you want to know more about Muslims and Islam. It’s the list I recommend to my students when I train law enforcement and educational institutions, or speak at churches and synagogues. It’s a list of my favorites thus far.(Sadiq Faruqi):