

Rise & Decline of Muslims by Dr. Israr Ahmad

This popular book by Dr.Israr Ahmad, compares the rise and fall of Muslim Ummah with Jewish history and a brief survey of present efforts towards the resurgence of Islam.

Rise and Decline of Muslim UmmahTitle: RISE AND DECLINE OF MUSLIM UMMAH
Category: Tarajim
Author: Dr. Israr Ahmed
File Size / Format: 0.37 MB / pdf

Islam, Science & Learning:

Musalmano per Quran Majeed kay HuqooqTitle: MUSALMANO PER QURAN MAJEED KAY HUQOOQ
Category: 1 - Quran-e-Hakeem aur Hamari Zindagi
Author: Dr. Israr Ahmed
File Size / Format: 0.89 MB / pdf
Description: FeaturedContent-June

    Lessons From HistoryTitle: LESSONS FROM HISTORY
    Category: Tarajim
    Author: Dr. Israr Ahmed
    Related: Tribulation and Discord in Muslim World & Future